McAuley College delivers ongoing Vocational Learning across Years 7 to 12, preparing our students well for their future careers and world of work. Refer to the program below showing an overview of our focus across each year level.
Vocational Learning Program Years 7 to 12 McAuley College September 2019.pdf
In Year 10, Vocational learning will include a number of strategic programs that will assist students with the mapping of their Year 11 and 12 program to inform subject and course selection, and ultimately, post school options.
This will include:
- In Term Two, students will complete the Harrison Online Career Assessment Tool, and subsequently engage in ten (10) lessons unpacking the results from this tool and how it informs the students about possible careers and areas of work.
- This will also involve the completion of the Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan which helps our students to structure their learning around their abilities, interests and ambitions.
- Across Term One, Year 10 students will engage in Work Experience for a period of four (4) days, as well as a LEARN Day with a focus around their Vocational Learning.
- Students and their parents will be invited to attend SET Plan interviews as a culmination of the above, and clarity around Subject Selection for Year 11 and 12.
To complement this work, students in Year 10 will enjoy a camp in Semester Two, with a focus around leadership in preparation of their role as Seniors of the College, as well as the increased responsibility around their study to be more self-directed and independent in their approach to their studies.
Vocational Opportunities in Year 11 and 12
Vocational Education and Training (VET) equips students with specific practical work-related skills to prepare them for the world of work while they are at school. VET can enhance a student's employment prospects upon leaving school, and offers alternate pathways in their transition from school to work or further education and training.
The College works in partnership with a number of external Registered Training Organisations to deliver a range of certificate courses. Some of these run as part of our normal timetable, where one of our teachers facilitates the course.
These include:
- Certificate I in Construction
- Certificate III in Fitness
- Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
- Certificate III in Rural Operations
- Certificate IV in Crime and Justice
- Diploma of Business
In other instances, students are supported to study alternate certificates as part of the TAFE at School Program or through other online providers.
School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships
School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships are trained in the workplace by a Registered Training Organisation, while continuing to study towards their Queensland Certificate of Education.
These students, by completing a SBA or SBT, will build up their resumes and be more competitive in the job market. In most cases, it will reduce the term of their full time apprenticeship or traineeship, after school.
As part of the SBA or SBT, in most cases, students will complete one day per week of Work Placement. They will be required to study an adjusted timetable, with one less subject or course.
At McAuley College, students who opt for to include a SBA or SBT, should be studying a Vocational Program (and not an academic pathway).
For more information, refer to the handbook on the Curriculum Page or contact a member of our Pathways team.
The College has as dedicated team to support students in their Career Pathways. These included:
Mrs Jayne Heit, Pathway Leader
Mrs Donna Johnston, Curriculum Leader – Years 11 & 12
Mrs Myleigh Taylor, School Officer – Senior Schooling