Religious Education

​​​​All people are created in the image and likeness of God, and so are imbued with a natural spiritual yearning.  They seek to understand themselves in the light of the transcendent.  Any genuine education must address this religious dimension of life.  In addition, initiation into the Christian community carries with it a continuing need to grow in understanding of and participation in the faith heritage that gives it life.  Hence every young Christian, by reason of humanity and baptism, has a claim to be educated religiously.
(That They May Have Life – Archdiocese of Brisbane)



Our touchstone of BELIEVE is two-fold; incorporating both the Religious Education program and the Religious Life of the College.​   

Religious Education refers to the formal curriculum delivered through classes. At McAuley College, it is compulsory for each student from Years 7 to 12 to engage in Religious Education lessons whilst enrolled at the College. Our programs are designed to be academically challenging whilst also encouraging personal reflection and commitment. ​

McAuley College plans all learning and teaching in Religious Education in line with the authoritative document, Religious Education P-12, promulgated for use by all Catholic schools by the Archbishop of Brisbane. Our school program, based upon this curriculum, is endorsed through a process called validation.​

 Please click below for an overview of the Religious Education program for Year 7-10.