Religious Life of the College

​​​​​​​Our touchstone of BELIEVE is two-fold; incorporating both the Religious Education program and the Religious Life of the College. 

The whole school embraces a program that supports the Religious Life of the College, where students are offered opportunities beyond the classroom for prayer and to reflect; to show compassion; and to be of service to those less fortunate than themselves.

Within this program, the College provides an extensive liturgical program which marks all important ​​fea​sts and seasons of the church’s year as well as the significant steps in the journey of secondary schooling. The College also prioritises opportunities for students to engage in social justice activities which open our students up to the ideals of the Christian mission, and like Catherine McAuley, provide help to the poor in practical and immediate ways.

As a Catholic College in the Mercy tradition we invite all members of our College community to deepen and celebrate their spirituality, grow in the knowledge of God’s love and recognize their call to be of service to others.  The Gospel values permeate all that we do as a College and are the hallmark of our relationships.

Provided below is an overview of the elements of the Religious Life of the College as relevant to McAuley College.


Image 1.pngReligious Identity and Culture is found in all aspects of the College from the naming of the College, its buildings and College House system through to the images and artifacts that are an intentional aspect of the religious identity of the College. The religious culture is reflected in Gospel values that inform relationships, structures and policies of the College. These aspects together with the wonderful physical environment and are all powerful means by which the College community creates, values and reflects a sense of the sacred. ​.


Prayer and Worship.pngPrayer and Worship is an integral part of the College community. Each day commences in prayer, both formal and informal.  Students are invited to participate in the formulation and leading of prayer. Turning to God in prayer is seen as a normative part of the College community.  Liturgies and masses celebrate important events within the College, including commencing the school year, Mercy Feast Day, Ash Wednesday, Lenten assemblies, Holy Week, Easter, Anzac Day, Catholic Education Week, and the end of the School Year.  The College maintains a strong relationship with the Scenic Rim Catholic Primary Schools and Parishes.   ​.


Evangelisation and Faith Formation.pngEvangelisation and Faith Formation recognises the God given dignity of each member of the McAuley College community and the challenge to daily live the Gospel through word and action. Faith formation is sensitive to the spiritual growth of each member of the community. It involves an invitation to be open to God’s action in the concrete realities of everyday life and relationships.  Faith formation at McAuley acknowledges that we are all at different stages in our understanding.


Social Action and Justice.pngSocial Action and Justice is an integral part of the Catholic and Mercy tradition and includes such things as respect for the human person; the preferential option for the poor; stewardship for the environment and the promotion of peace. Students are challenged to look beyond themselves to the needs of others and to develop a real sense of solidarity for those in most need in our local and broader community. ​


An outline of social justice action that the McAuley College community participate in can be found in the SERVE section of the College website.

The College recognises that students joining our community come from a range of faith backgrounds. The Religious Life of the College acknowledges this diversity of experiences so that all students can be active members of our faith community.

​ © Brisbane Catholic E​ducation (2023)