​LEARN is one of the touchstones of our College motto and focuses on the learning and teaching delivered as part of the curriculum across Years 7 to 12.

Learning at McAuley College is student focussed; and is underpinned by the principles of the 2019 Alice Springs Education Declaration, which places young Australians at the centre.

Learning at McAuley College is engaging, contemporary and challenging, building the capacity for our students to connect, collaborate and be critical thinkers. Our students are equipped to contribute and be responsible citizens in a digital world. A technology rich learning environment through the one to one laptop program provides a platform for innovative teaching and learning that is lifelong and lifewide... anywhere, anytime!!

McAuley College provides a comprehensive curriculum that caters for all pathways from strongly academic to provision for vocational education studies. The curriculum incorporates a Religious Education Program delivered across the year levels, integral to the faith life of the community; a Pastoral Care Program which provides for the delivery of life skills, career education and the nurturing of the individual; and a comprehensive co-curricular program to foster the engagement of students and opportunity to be of service to others.

Each student is encouraged to meet high expectations and achieve beyond their potential. ​

We are confident the principles we follow in our touchstone of LEARN, work to bring about the aspirations of the Alice Springs Declaration to be the lived experience and reality for our students.

​​The Alice Springs (Mpamtwe) Education Declaration sets out two goals for the education system.
​​Goal 1:  The Australian education system promotes excellence and equity.
Goal 2:  All young Australians become confident and creative individuals, successful lifelong learners, and active and informed members of the community.​
